This section is intended for instructional coaches, administrators, and other school professionals who regularly consult with teachers about classroom management. Becoming proficient in the CCU coaching model requires that you develop knowledge and skills in (1) implementing the CCU structure and procedures and (2) conducting collaborative coaching meetings using motivational interviewing skills. Motivational interviewing is a way of talking to others that helps elicit talk about making a change. It is helpful when consulting with teachers.
Ideally, effective coaches are also knowledgeable about effective classroom management practices. However, for coaches less fluent in this knowledge base, the website is designed so that you and the teachers you work with can readily identify simple and effective classroom management strategies.
The CCU Coaching Process
This section provides an overview of the procedures and tools needed for coaches to conduct an effective Classroom Check-Up.
The Flowchart
A flowchart is provided to illustrate the overall process and the key steps:
1) Interview
2) Assess classroom
3) Check-up meeting
4) Selecting an intervention
5) Implementing the intervention
6) Evaluating the intervention
Clicking within each step takes you to resources, videos, forms, and detailed descriptions for how to complete the step.
CCU Resources
The Classroom Check-Up provides tools for teachers to improve areas that need attention and to implement strategies suggested during the coaching process.
Get started building effective classroom management skills: